







宋宁宁,2004年毕业于山东大学生命科学学院,生物科学专业获得学士学位;2011年毕业于同济大学生命科学与技术学院,生化与分子生物学专业获得博士学位。2011-2013年间在同济大学基础医学院从事博士后研究。2013-2018年间在同济大学医学院任助理研究员。2017-2018年间在美国Augusta UniversityCase Western Reserve University做访问学者。研究成果以第一作者或通信作者发表在Nature Communications、Cell Death and Differentiation、Cell Reports、Development等国际学术期刊。科研方面获得多项国家自然基金资助。






1. Zhang, Q#, Zhang L#, Huang Y, Ma P, Mao B, Ding YQ and Song NN* (2021). Satb2 regulates the development of dopaminergic neurons in the arcuate nucleus by Dlx1. Cell Death Dis,12(10): 879. (*通讯作者)

2. Song NN#, Ma P#, Zhang Q#, Zhang L, Wang H, Zhang L, Zhu L, He CH, Mao B, Ding YQ* (2020). Rnf220/Zc4h2-mediated monoubiquitylation of Phox2 is required for noradrenergic neuron development. Development, 147(6): p. dev185199. (#共同第一作者)

3. Zhang L#*, Song NN#, Zhang Q#, Mei WY, He CH, Ma P, Huang Y, Chen, JY, Mao B, Lang, B, Ding YQ* (2020) Satb2 is required for the regionalization of retrosplenial cortex. Cell Death Differ, 27(5): p. 1604-1617. (#共同第一作者)

4. Ma P#, Song NN#, Cheng X#, Zhu L, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Yang X, Wang H, Kong Q, Shi, D*, Ding YQ* and Mao B* (2020) ZC4H2 stabilizes RNF220 to pattern ventral spinal cord through modulating Shh/Gli signaling. J Mol Cell Biol, 12(5): p. 337-344.(#共同第一作者)

5. Ma P#, Song NN#, Li Y#, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Zhang L, Kong Q, Ma L, Yang X, Ren B, Li C, Zhao X, Li Y, Xu Y, Gao X*, Ding YQ* and Mao B* (2019b). Fine-Tuning of Shh/Gli Signaling Gradient by Non-proteolytic Ubiquitination during Neural Patterning. Cell reports, 28, 541-553 e544. (#共同第一作者)

6. Zhang Q, Huang Y, Zhang L, Ding YQ*, and Song NN* (2019). Loss of Satb2 in the Cortex and Hippocampus Leads to Abnormal Behaviors in Mice. Front Mol Neurosci, 12, 33. (*共同通讯作者)

7. Song NN, Zhang Q, Huang Y, Chen L, Ding YQ*, Zhang L*. (2017). Enhanced dendritic morphogenesis of adult hippocampal newborn neurons in central 5-HT-deficient mice. Stem Cell Res, 19:6-11.

8. Zhou H#, Xiong GJ#, Jing L#, Song NN#, Pu DL, Tang X, He XB, Xu FQ, Huang JF, Li LJ, Richter-Levin G, Mao RR, Zhou QX*, Ding YQ*, Xu L* (2017). The interhemispheric CA1 circuit governs rapid generalisation but not fear memory. Nat Commun, 8:2190. (#共同第一作者)

9. Song NN, Huang Y, Yu X, Lang B, Ding YQ*, and Zhang L* (2017). Divergent Roles of Central Serotonin in Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. Front Cell Neurosci, 11:185.

10. Song NN#, Jia YF#, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Huang Y, Liu XZ, Hu L, Lan W, Chen L, Lesch KP, Chen X, Xu L*, Ding YQ* (2016). Reducing central serotonin in adulthood promotes hippocampal neurogenesis. Sci Rep, 6:20338. (#共同第一作者)

11. Zhang L, Huang, Y, Chen JY, Ding YQ, Song NN* (2015) DSCAM and DSCAML1 regulate the radial migration and callosal projection in developing cerebral cortex. Brain Res, 1594, 61-70. (*通讯作者)