







饶艳霞,复旦大学青年研究员,课题组长(PI,国家万人计划青年拔尖人才,科技创新2030脑科学与类脑研究(中国脑计划)青年科学家项目首席科学家,上海市领军人才(海外),上海市超级博士激励计划、以及香港政府奖学金获得者,博士生导师。主要关注衰老与中枢免疫、外周免疫对中枢免疫的调控。研究工作以通讯作者或第一作者发表在Nature Neuroscience, Nature Aging, Neuron, Cell Reports, Cell Discovery和Ageing Research Reviews等高水平期刊。







1. Yuheng Zhang; Bingying Du; Miaozhan Zou; Bo Peng; Yanxia Rao*; Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis-Concepts, Classification, and Avenues for Therapy, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2025, 31(2).

2. Bo Peng; Yanxia Rao; Yun Wang; Shumin Duan; Hai Qi; Jing Yang; Hongliang Zhang; Immunology reshapes neuroscience, and neuroscience reshapes immunology, Fundamental Research, 2024, 4(2): 199-200.

3. Yanxia Rao; Bo Peng; Allogenic microglia replacement: A novel therapeutic strategy for neurological disorders, Fundamental Research, 2024, 4(2): 237-245. 

4. Yang He; Taohui Liu; Quansheng He; Wei Ke; Xiaoyu Li; Jinjin Du; Suixin Deng; Zhenfeng Shu; Jialin Wu; Baozhi Yang; Yuqing Wang; Ying Mao; Yanxia Rao; Yousheng Shu; Bo Peng ; Microglia facilitate and stabilize the response to general anesthesia via modulating the neuronal network in a brain region-specific manner, eLife, 2023, 12

5. huai Gao#,Yuqing Wang#,Xiaoyu Li#,Yuqing Liang#,Zhihao Jin,Baozhi Yang,Ti-FeiYuan,Hengli Tian,Bo Peng,Yanxia Rao*(2024)Dynamics of N6-methyladenosine modification during Alzheimer’s disease development,Heliyon 2024, 10(6): e26911.

6. Xiaoyu Li#, Yuxin Li, Yuxiao Jin, Yuheng Zhang, Jingchuan Wu, Zhen Xu, Yubin Huang, Lin Cai, Shuai Gao, Taohui Liu, Fanzhuo Zeng, Yafei Wang, Wenxu Wang, Ti-Fei Yuan, Hengli Tian, Yousheng Shu, Feifan Guo, Wei Lu, Ying Mao, Xifan Mei, Yanxia Rao*, Bo Peng*. Nature aging, 2023 Sep 11.

7. Li R.#, Zhang C., Rao Y.*., Yuan TF.* (2022) Deep brain stimulation of fornix for memory improvement in Alzheimer’s disease: A critical review. Ageing Research Reviews 79:101668.. (* corresponding author) 

8. Rao Y.*, Du S., Yang B., Wang Y., Li Y., Li R., Zhou T., Du X., He Y., Wang Y., Zhou X., Yuan T.-F.,*, Mao Y.,* and Bo Peng.* (2021) Ectopic expression of NeuroD1 induces the microglial apoptosis and cannot induce the microglia-to-neuron cross-lineage reprogramming, Neuron 109, 4094-4108. (* corresponding author) 

9. Huang Y., Xu Z., Xiong S., Sun F., Qin G., Hu G., Wang J., Zhao L., Liang Y.X., Wu T, Lu Z, Humayun M.S., So K.F., Pan Y., Li N., Yuan T.F.*, Rao Y.* and Peng B.* (2018) Repopulated microglia are solely derived from the proliferation of residual microglia after acute depletion. Nature Neuroscience 21, 520-540. (* corresponding author

(Featured article. Highlighted by News & Views in the same issue of Nature Neuroscience, Rossi, F., and Lewis, C. (2018) Microglia's heretical self-renewal. Nature Neuroscience 21, 455-456. Also highlighted by the cover of the same issue of Nature Neuroscience)

(Selected in “Neuroimmunology 2018 Year-In-Review” of Nature Reviews Immunology)

10. Xu Z.#, Rao Y.#, Huang Y., Zhou T., Feng R., Xiong S., Yuan T.F., Qin S., Lu Y., Zhou X., Li X., Qin B., Mao Y., and Peng B.* (2020) Efficient strategies for microglia replacement in the central nervous system. Cell Reports 32, 108041. (# co-first author) 

11. Huang Y., Xu Z., Xiong S., Qin G., Sun F., Yang J, Yuan T.F. Zhao L, Wang K, Liang Y.X., Fu L., Wu T, Lu Z, So K.F.,Rao Y.* and Peng B.* (2018) Extra-retinal origins of microglia in the microglia-repopulated retina and glaucomatous retina. Cell Discovery 4:9. (* corresponding author)

12. Rao, Y., Liang, Y.X., and Peng, B. (2017) A revisit of rod microglia in preclinical studies. Neural Regeneration Research 12, 56-57. 

13. Xu, Z., Zhou, X., Peng, B., and Rao, Y.* (2021) Microglia replacement by bone marrow transplantation (Mr BMT) in the central nervous system of adult mice. STAR Protocols (Cell Press) 2, 100666.. (* corresponding author)

14. Xu, Z., Peng, B., and Rao, Y.* (2021) Microglia replacement by microglia transplantation (Mr MT) in the adult mouse brain. STAR Protocols (Cell Press)2, 100665.(* corresponding author)

15. Xu, Z., Rao, Y.*, and Peng, B. (2021). Protocol for microglia replacement by peripheral blood (Mr PB). STAR Protocols (Cell Press) 2, 100613. 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100613. (* corresponding author)

16. Du, S., Xiong, S., Du, X., Yuan, T.F., Peng, B.* and Rao Y.* (2021) Primary Microglia Isolation from Postnatal Mouse Brains. JoVE, e62237. (* corresponding author)